Monday, February 13, 2012

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.4

The following has been archived from my blog on

April 10, 2005

Reruns and Pizza

Evening, folks.

I had planned to go out with some friends tonight on account of it being Sunday, and in this sleepy little
part of the world we have to go out of the county to get beer on Sundays. (It's not necessarily anything
that I want to get into at this time, but perhaps I'll elaborate at some other time.) When I woke up this
afternoon, my neck was stiff and the area of my back around my left kidney hurt. I hope it's just muscular
in nature. I've had enough crap go wrong with my body within the last couple years to have one of my
kidneys go out on me. These include a stroke and five retinal detachments on my left eye. It would be so
easy to become a hypochodriac right now, but that's not in my personality to complain. In fact, I'll give
it a few days to see if this back pain persists. If it does, then I'll set up an appointment with my

Enough about that stuff. It bores me after a moment or two, anyways.

Still looking for a job. Got my first legitimate interview the other day for a network developer position
down south a bit. I think I assed it up, but we'll see in about two weeks according to the recruiter. But
now I know better. I'll be straightforward and more precise when I'm giving answers. I won't ride the
middle track when elaborating. Either I know it, or I don't, period. I won't explain my experiences whether
they are hands-on or academic unless they ask.

Ok, I'm bored again. Talking shop bores me because my job at the moment is to find a job, and not having
some sort of immediate gratification can be a bit depressing when I've had positive results in most
everything I've done in the past.

Anyways, I must look for a way to cure some of this sunday evening boredom. Right now, I'm looking at
pizza and reruns. So, you guys take it easy. We are truly in the midst of a decline in civilization.
Morality is a lie that we perpetuate and impose upon all of those who do not stand against it, and a
sympton of this is our media. So, I shall feed the self-importance our of decadent entitites, and go
watch the inane spew that they throw at us via our idiot boxes. At the moment, it's better than sitting
in this chair and enduring any more pain than I have to.

Signing out.

Have fun.


Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

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