Monday, February 13, 2012

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.5

The following has been archived from my blog on

April 24, 2005

Taking Applications For Voluntary Masseuse

Well, the back's better, but I keep cutting some muscle back there somehow. It seems to be linked to the way my pillow gets stuck under my shoulder blade when I sleep. I am now taking applications and accepting auditions for voluntary sensual masseuses. (Men need not apply. I'm biased, so sue me.)

In other news....

My professor from college offered to send a recommendation to one of the libraries here the other day concerning a job that hasn't been posted just yet. If accepted, I will be the IT department. Pays pretty good coming out of the box like this. In the meantime, I applied for a position doing Dell third-party support. I feel pretty confident about that position as the manager said she'd call me on Monday or Tuesday rather than being wishy-washy about the whole thing. She also confirmed that they are hiring. It's field related, so that's a plus.

Threw a party last night. I had only meant to have about seven to ten folks over, but twenty to thirty showed up. I grilled about twenty bratwurst, made a loaf of garlic toast, a barbecued a rack of ribs. I have no idea how everyone got some. Was pretty darn good if I say so myself. Funny thing is that everyone brought beer, but it was all Keystone or Coors Light. I'm sorry but that stuff is like day's old piss. It literally makes me gag. So I drank water until we hit the bars. Ended up going to a kegger. That wasn't bad even though it really wasn't my crowd, but they were nice enough until 5:00 when they kicked us out. The bitch who threw the party though charged us for the keg beer, but neglected to tell us it was almost empty. What a punkass. As a result, I felt obligated to piss on her bedroom window. Turnabout is fair play, no? Maybe I should have asked for my money back since I gave her beer back. I'll have to remember that for next time.

I'll close here tonight as there really isn't anything else to tell. Thought I'd drop in and give a spout or two. Looking for a job leaves little excitement about which to tell. So until next time, I bid thee adieu.


Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

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