Monday, February 20, 2012

How To Lose Your Face and Still Be Fashionable

The fact that Hunter S. Thompson keeps appearing on my Facebook sidebar as of late gives me pause and cause for both confusion and pride. Unfortunately, I feel that neither will quicken my steps in realizing the universal instance of truth nor beauty. On the other hand, I may have very well come to the realization that I need to go back to being a writer rather than gravitating to mere journalism. Like a strange, twisted piece of cereal, the grainy side may be good for me but its the frosted side of literature that makes it most enjoyable. Thompson's apearance does bring up an interesting question, though. Knowing fair and well that the advertising at the side of Facebook's streams and the many twisted caverns of information and inviduals in this 700-million-person behemoth is tuned towards each and every single person individually. Day after day, the vast database of information that we create combined with the data regarding our tendencies, our likes and dislikes, our rants, our raves, or common topics that we concern ourselves with, and a multitude of other qualities of living that we exhibit go into the mega-conglomeration of advertising service and technology.

But what's the best question that I can ask at this point? This intrigues that grasps me by the brain and shakes me as my veritably metaphorical nape wriggles from side to side knows only the boundaries of its own energy source and the border of its own, often unfortunate, attention span. (Damn you, Fluoride!) Dare I ask whether or not I have certain qualities or that I have exhibited qualities as of late similar to the inconoclast, nay iconoplasm, that is and was Hunter S Thompson? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "No." In fact, I'm pretty sure that Facebook and their advertising buddies have created a fallacous connection between me and Mr. Thompson, flattering as it may be. I will even go as far as to say this is really a bit of an overstatement.

No, not a bit. That's an understatement.

It's a major crevasse that separates the differences between the literary excellence of Thompson's wreckless chaos in search of order and anything I've ever written. But if asking such a question or questions is the lunacy that it appears to be, then what other inferences can I make by this? Now, mind you, this is only introspection, and really only serves for me to question myself. The scripts and code of the Facebok pages know only the things that were written into their many thousands of lines. Each of these things have only a straight-line tendency without the ability to change themselves or deviate from predetermined direction. I, on the other hand, am free and liberated from the constraints of the physical world to follow whim and fancy, to dream of alternatives of gratification and despair alike. So, then, why have I been served offers to engage in some sort of way wth the memory of Mr. Thompson?

Then I refresh the page, and a credit card ad comes up. Is my credit that bad?

Then I refesh again - beach hotels and spas. They clearly don't have a clue about me.

Once more, I refresh. Credit cards again. Damn, my credit must really suck. On the other hand, this time I go ahead and click the link at the top of the advert section labeled "See All". What the hell, right? In the next section, we're going to rate the advertising service and score them accordin to my own scale. No, I will not give any deatils of my scoring system outside of what is obvious. On the other hand, because I'm a pretty transaprent guy on the whole, I will go ahead and tell you this: the system is pretty off-the-cuff. In other words, there's no real system. I'm going on feel, so back off already. Work with me!

1. Stella Artois Beer:  The first ad is for a beer by the name of Stella Artois. I have to admit,
      I do like Stella Artois. Ok, the adverts get a point.
2. Vicksburg Convention and Visitors Bureau: BORING! Ok, the adverts lose a point.
3. New Orleans Saints T-Shirt Ad: Bringng up third place is some company that wants me to
      "relive the Saints superbowl" and buy a T-Shirt. That's the third T-shirt ad today, and the
       answer is still no. Another point lost by the advertisement firms.
4. Rockstar Games: Who cares about Max Payne. He was a crappy character, and frankly
      who has 300 bucks lying around to go out and buy a game console jus so that they can
      buy that game? I sure as shit don't. Ads, you lose another point.
5. "Is Your Heart Healthy?": The answer is likely not. But we knew that already. I have heart
      issues, but we knew that already. What are you going to do about it? (I say, I say that's
      rhetorical, boy! Nice advertisement, but that company's about as sharp as a sack of
      wet mice.) Minus one point for being clueless.
6. Kingdoms of Amalur: I've already invested time and effort with another online game. What
     the hell do you game companies want me to do? Play games all day while the world
     passes me by? Invent a game that can both pay my rent, pay my insurance, buy me
     food, pay my utility bills, and pleasure me once or three times a day and then we will
     talk. Otherwise, I should take away three points for your insolence, but we'll stick to
     one. Minus one, fanboy.
7. Free Hunter S Thompson Audiobook: Sure, because I have nothing better to do with
    my time than sitting a chair and listen to somebody else read a book. Let me guess. It's
    the Morgan Freeman editions? Just kidding. As much as I respect Thompson, I have no
    desire to listen to his work
    being read at this time. One point awarded as that's not a totally stupid idea. Close, but
    not totally.
8. Reebok Jersey: Another T-Shirt? I get the feeling they want me to adveritse for them by
    buying a T-Shirt with some kind of logo on it. Really? You should pay me for the prvelage
    to display your service or product. Minus one point.
9. Sealy Mattress: I like sleeping. In fact, I try to do it at least once a day. Sometimes up to
    three times in a single 24-hour period. However, I doubt you sell a cheap mattress in my
    size. Plus, I already have a good mattress. I abstain from addressing points on this one.
10. Nokia Phone: Who the hell uses Nokia anymore? FAIL. Minus one point.
11. Chase Sapphirre: I reiterate - Is my credit that bad? If that's the case, then why do I
      want a way to get deeper in trouble. I can do that without your help, thank you very
      much. FAIL. Minus One Point.
12. Capital One Credit Cards: Wherever you find bad credit and low income people with
      credit cards, Capital One is generally not far out of sight. Eat me Cap-1. Minus one

Ok, so here's how we tally: 2 points out of a possible 12 points.

Man, you guys suck.

No, wait, you're right. That's not fair. I'm going to chalk it up to my fantastic dedication to minimalizing information of mine given to third-party companies. I'll go ahead and say that this is largely due to my understanding of online security, email systems, web browsers, and crazy things like...oh, I don't know...updates. Maybe it's because I take the time - many hours of time - protecting myelf from the
evils of the Internet. Perhaps it's because I have the uncanny ability to realize the difference between crap and reasonable assumption. Who knows? All I know in the end is that they really don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. But you know what? That also means that somebody is reading my stuff, and since I don't really have a ton of people reading my stuff, it only exemplifies what I'm talking about. On the other hand, I wouldn't be hurt to find some traffic. But it doesn't really matter because I'm going to continue to write anyways.

 Here's the types of ads I apparerently attract:

2 Credit Cards
2 Game Companies
2 T-Shirts
1 Mattress
1 Private Organization
1 Phone
1 Health
1 Audiobook

1 Beer

I haven't really decided on wshat that says about me, but...

Now, if I read this right, then, according to the advertisement companies, I am the type of guy who plays video games in my bed while wearing a T-shirt listening to audioboks and drinking beer. They probably figure that somewhere along the way I'll answer the phone and have a heart-attack. I'm really not sure how the Vicksburg organization fits in to all that. whatever the relationship may be, I bet it's bordering on stupid and amazing at the same tme.

And that, sirs and ma'ams, is the meat between the bread in a pointless, insane sandwich called life.I guess if there's anything to be gotten by this dribble is that 1.) you have even less to do than I do at this moment to have read all the way down to this point, 2.) few things can replace good security as there are multiple layers of repercussions for every action that is taken, and 3.) I bear little, of any, resemblance, in any shape, form, or fashion, to Hunter S. Thompson; somebody was smoking crack when they came up with that algorithm.

Until next time...


Invino Veritas

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Washington On The Steps

SETTING: 2000's, Present day academia.

     [Two college students, Chip and Neville, sit outside the library on the front steps,
       going over the day's dose of American History.]

Neville:, Washington got his butt kicked in New York by the British, he ran all the way
            through New Jersey. But then he turns around, marches right across the Delaware
            River and proceeds to take Trenton and Princeton.
Chip:    That's what that famous painting of Washington's about, right?
Neville: Yeah, I think so. Oh, hey, did you know that painting was painted by a Brit?
Chip:     No shit?
Neville:  No shit.
Chip:     Hmph! I'll be damned. [Scribbles in his notebook.] And that is the end of that...!
Neville:  Sweet!
Chip.     Well, until Wednesday. Hey! Speaking of....what are you doing Monday?
Neville:  Workin'.
Chip:      You're not off for Preseident's Day?
Neville:  Personally, I think you should only observe it if you like the current President.
Chip:     [Laughing.] What?
Neville:  Think about it. Why would anyone want to observe or honor a presdent that
             they didn't like?
Chip:     Dude, I think it's in honor of previous Presidents.
Neville:  Actually, it was originally intended to celebrate Washington's Birthday, now that
             you mention it, thankyouverymuch. In fact, congress put it into law at one time.
Chip:     [Sarcastically.] That's awesome, man, but you don't get paid for telling me this
             crap after 12:00 p.m..
Neville: [Smirking.] Anyways, I just happen to think that I've had enough with having to
            observe the current president for the past three years. I'm ready for some good
            ole' fashioned disregard!
Chip:    Yeah! [Pumps his fist in the air.]
Neville:  Besides, it's presidents plural, not president's possessive.
Chip:    [Unflinchingly.] Actually, sir, it's either one or both.
Neville: Oh yeah? How do you know?
Chip:    Wikipedia. [Shakes his cellphone in his hand.]
Neville: [Rolling his eyes.] I should've known.
Chip:    Yeah, well, as interesting as all this is....
Neville: Time to make the roofies?
Chip:    That's rght! Time to make the roofies. No, seriously. I got to go.
Neville: Ok, man. I'll see you in class on Tuesday I guess.
Chip:    Sounds good. Thanks, man.
Neville: Yup.
Chip:    Oh! Before I forget....[Hands Neville some money.]
Neville: Cool! Thanks.
Chip:    Yup. [Waves.]

[Exit Chip.]

Monday, February 13, 2012

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.6

The following has been archived from my blog on

March 26, 2006


Well, I'm back for this moment in time. Like the Jack-in-the-box, I'm jumping into sight when the song ends. It's almost a year since I started my job, and pretty soon I'll be polishing the resume and sending it out to career level job postings. After working amongst a group of individuals with no work ethic and general overall laziness, I'm just about ready to get into an environment where progression is on everyone's mind and within everyone's personal and professional goals. I'n the meantime, I've decided to saturate my time outside of work with Video Games and Captain Morgan. (Ok, there are other drinks, too.)

My kitchen is infested with sugar ants. I call them "sugar ants" because 1.) they always crowd around the cups where I had my sprite, and 2.) they smell like banana taffy when you squish them. Just recently, they seem to have found a taste for baked chicken. I don't really see the connection between sprite and baked chicken, but I jest that it may be related to the wine that I used when I baked the chicken. The little varmints seem to be coming from behind the dishwasher. I had the exterminator come in and spray, but his efforts don't seem to hold much water with the re-emergence. I knew this would happen, though. Even after pouring gasoline on several nests, the little bastards still managed to live last time. I should, probably, be grateful that they don't bite me. I'm strting to feel like "Joe" in "Joe's Apartment" when he brought his girlfriend over to his place. (This is an exaggeration.)

Ok, well, it's time to take my flat sprite and captain morgan to the video game console and give ti a go for abit before AdultSwim somes on television.


Current Mood: accomplished
Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.5

The following has been archived from my blog on

April 24, 2005

Taking Applications For Voluntary Masseuse

Well, the back's better, but I keep cutting some muscle back there somehow. It seems to be linked to the way my pillow gets stuck under my shoulder blade when I sleep. I am now taking applications and accepting auditions for voluntary sensual masseuses. (Men need not apply. I'm biased, so sue me.)

In other news....

My professor from college offered to send a recommendation to one of the libraries here the other day concerning a job that hasn't been posted just yet. If accepted, I will be the IT department. Pays pretty good coming out of the box like this. In the meantime, I applied for a position doing Dell third-party support. I feel pretty confident about that position as the manager said she'd call me on Monday or Tuesday rather than being wishy-washy about the whole thing. She also confirmed that they are hiring. It's field related, so that's a plus.

Threw a party last night. I had only meant to have about seven to ten folks over, but twenty to thirty showed up. I grilled about twenty bratwurst, made a loaf of garlic toast, a barbecued a rack of ribs. I have no idea how everyone got some. Was pretty darn good if I say so myself. Funny thing is that everyone brought beer, but it was all Keystone or Coors Light. I'm sorry but that stuff is like day's old piss. It literally makes me gag. So I drank water until we hit the bars. Ended up going to a kegger. That wasn't bad even though it really wasn't my crowd, but they were nice enough until 5:00 when they kicked us out. The bitch who threw the party though charged us for the keg beer, but neglected to tell us it was almost empty. What a punkass. As a result, I felt obligated to piss on her bedroom window. Turnabout is fair play, no? Maybe I should have asked for my money back since I gave her beer back. I'll have to remember that for next time.

I'll close here tonight as there really isn't anything else to tell. Thought I'd drop in and give a spout or two. Looking for a job leaves little excitement about which to tell. So until next time, I bid thee adieu.


Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.4

The following has been archived from my blog on

April 10, 2005

Reruns and Pizza

Evening, folks.

I had planned to go out with some friends tonight on account of it being Sunday, and in this sleepy little
part of the world we have to go out of the county to get beer on Sundays. (It's not necessarily anything
that I want to get into at this time, but perhaps I'll elaborate at some other time.) When I woke up this
afternoon, my neck was stiff and the area of my back around my left kidney hurt. I hope it's just muscular
in nature. I've had enough crap go wrong with my body within the last couple years to have one of my
kidneys go out on me. These include a stroke and five retinal detachments on my left eye. It would be so
easy to become a hypochodriac right now, but that's not in my personality to complain. In fact, I'll give
it a few days to see if this back pain persists. If it does, then I'll set up an appointment with my

Enough about that stuff. It bores me after a moment or two, anyways.

Still looking for a job. Got my first legitimate interview the other day for a network developer position
down south a bit. I think I assed it up, but we'll see in about two weeks according to the recruiter. But
now I know better. I'll be straightforward and more precise when I'm giving answers. I won't ride the
middle track when elaborating. Either I know it, or I don't, period. I won't explain my experiences whether
they are hands-on or academic unless they ask.

Ok, I'm bored again. Talking shop bores me because my job at the moment is to find a job, and not having
some sort of immediate gratification can be a bit depressing when I've had positive results in most
everything I've done in the past.

Anyways, I must look for a way to cure some of this sunday evening boredom. Right now, I'm looking at
pizza and reruns. So, you guys take it easy. We are truly in the midst of a decline in civilization.
Morality is a lie that we perpetuate and impose upon all of those who do not stand against it, and a
sympton of this is our media. So, I shall feed the self-importance our of decadent entitites, and go
watch the inane spew that they throw at us via our idiot boxes. At the moment, it's better than sitting
in this chair and enduring any more pain than I have to.

Signing out.

Have fun.


Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.3

The following has been archived from my blog on

March 14, 2005

 A Moment Of  Redemption

I almost forgot I had this account. I guess, perhaps, that means that either I'm fairly emotionally self-sufficient, or I just don't really care. If I were a psychologist or motivationalist, I might blame it on the lack of external gratification. At any rate, I feel the desire (not need) to update this journal for the moment that I have left before my tape runs out.

Today's theme music is brought to us by Roger Waters in his performace (with friends) live at the now-destroyed Berlin wall. I bought a DVD recorder yesterday, and now its time to backup my movies on a more permanent medium -- one that wont be as subject to heat, dust, and magnetic interference. Today's first disc was created using the aforementioned video/album, Stevie Ray vaughn Live at the El Mocambo, the freeview version of The Allman Brothers Live at the Beacon (sp?) Theatre, and some SRV Austin City Limits stuff.

While I was recording, I looked for jobs and worked on the mud a bit. I've been looking for a career-level job now for about three months with no luck. The only responses I've got thusfar is from people who tell me they reviewed my resume, but then offer me a job in sales of unrelated materials. (For those of you who don't know, I'm an MIS guy.) It's really kind of funny and annoying all at once. I got a total of about four scams, three financial, two telemarketing, and one response that wanted me to download some unidentified software which I kindly refused. (For all I know, it could be harmful. I can't sacrifice my financial records and whatnot just so I can find out the job isn't what I want to do.) Job hunting is such a pain in the ass; it's a complete and utter oxymoron in action: you need experience to work but you cant get experience without some sort of a job. So, I'm looking into post-graduate internships. I'll let you know if I hear from anyone back on those.

Ok, looking back over all of this reminds me of why I hate "reality" television. It's boring, but perhaps it will give me a bit of redemption for missing a good chunk of time. I'll probably be back later to give and update on the information and postings from below. I think the DVD is about to end as I draw near the end of the video I am recording.

Have fun folks.



Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.2

The following has been archived from my blog on

February 16, 2005


I have no quip to quote, today. I have no words of wisdom, nor do I have any words of hope or (perhaps) comfort for anyone who might have read the previous posts. Today is marked by a couple of things: some things are inconsequential to the grand scheme of things, the things that concern or encircle myself or my niche. They are non-existent except for the moment of thought worth spending. Today, my mother tripped in the yard. She fell into a hole about the size of her own foot in circumference, and about as deep as a few inches above her ankle. The result was that she broke her leg in three places. She had to have surgery to insert and secure pins into her leg to put things back into order. When I found out, I called immediately. It struck me as odd that I would find out second-hand from my sister who claimed that my step-father was mad at her to the point where he felt the necessity to call her husband. My first question is "why did they not get in touch with me?" Well, whatever the reason, I wanted to go see mom in the hospital, but apparently she had just got out of surgery when I called my step-father; he said that she didn't need to see anyone which is understandable a she was drugged to hell and back, and rather incoherent. I'll go see her tomorrow. My reaction, much to my dismay, was to forego the pain my back (which has been out for the past four days or so), and go grab a brew or eight down at the local pub. I had run out of Valium to relax my muscles, and alcohol seemed to be the next best thing tohelp me relax those back muscles. I had a good time, relatively speaking. Despite the good music and friends' company, ?I priodically thought of my mom which brought me down a bit. That's somewhat uncharacteristic of myself.

Given the circumstances of late, I thought this might be therapeutic to some degree. I have yet to decide whether or not that was true. When I came home tonight, I finished the final boss fight of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. (There's just something about Nintendo mode after a few drinks that makes one nearly invicincible.)

Valentine's day was the worse. Not because of the happenings today, but because I broke up with my girl after nine months a couple-three weeks ago. Even after this time, people still seem suprised to hear the news. I'm a little tired of explaining why things dissolved between the two of us.

The beer is wearing off, and my back is starting to hurt again. I'm going to leave things at that, and call it a night. Have a good one, folks. Today sucked, but what sucks more (perhaps) is that I don't feel any worse than I probably should.

Have a good one.


Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.1

The following has been archived from my blog on

January 26, 2005

The Natural Indifference

The universe and all its components exist with a certain degree of indifference, a certain superfluous disregard for the other components. Each component expresses this on its own level, and relevance does not lend itself to animation or the lack thereof. It does not lend itself to organic components nor does it lend itself to inorganic components. But it transgresses across all boundaries only relevant to itself, and the entire system. People, as components of the system, are no different. It is our nature to disregard the components around us. It is the fate of humanity that its components should be selfish.

"After a time, the sound of musketry grew faint and the cannon boomed in the distance.
The sun, suddenly apparent, blazed among the trees. The insects were making rhythmical
noises. They seemed to be grinding their teeth in unison....Off was the rumble of death.
It seemed now that Nature had no ears."

--Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage, 1894


Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12

Imports From The Livejournal Archives Vol. 1.0

The following has been archived from my blog on

January 22, 2005


Here's the downtime, once again. I'd been going to school ever since I could remember, and now I'm done. Well, that's kind of relative seeing as though the Colleges and Universities here never actually stop begging for your money. See, I've met my requirements for graduation, but they are still holding my diploma hostage until I pay fifty bucks for a graduation ceremony that I don't want to attend. Also, they want me to take an "academic profile" exam so that they can evaluate how they did. Well, since I feel as if it is a waste of my time to take a standardized test that doesn't help me in any way, I'll probably just mark everything "a" or draw chrstmas trees like in that silly urban legend. In the end, they will only learn what I already know: They can kiss my ass.

But enough of this minor dwelling.

Downtime once again. It's like the part of the christmas holidays when one is staring down the neck of the umpteenth bottle of beer, listening to the last little bit of chrstmas cheer on the radio, on the television, or perhaps just in the sound of the wind through the trees. Was it worth it? Yeah, sure it was. But the worth isn't in the coming together but rather in the release, the time well spent in thought, the downtime. It's the moment when all you can hear from the people around you is the sound of their breath, and knowing that for the next few minutes you are about as alone as you have ever wanted to be without actually being on the moon or atop an Icelandic mountaintop. But then there's that familiar creak of someone's knees as they pop from getting up off the couch. Your neck cocks to the left a bit to hear better, perhaps listening to see if the noises come closer or if they are just getting up to take a piss before they go back to the couch to snooze off the rest of the evening's morsels of turkey. I could only hope that I can stay in my little encapsulation of the mind for a moment longer. If I concentrate hard enough on the moments, they will last longer. Minutes become tens of minutes, and seconds become like minute eternities. But it's all too familiar, but pleasant in some way. It's the moment when I find my peace of mind. I get to sit down and sort out the things in my life, and reflect upon the day's preceedings. It's that downtime, and I cherish it. But it's the downtime that also helps us to realize or maintain ourselves.

So here I am, weaving my way through the livejournal for some unknown reason. Perhaps for release. After all, that's all we're probably trying to find from time to time, however infinitely small or insignificant it may seem on the surface. We're all looking for some kind of downtime, however we define it or picture it. However it weaves itself in our dreams, appearing as the knight in shining armor or the reaching of one's goals. It's downtime -- the moment before the moment of release, the time when you can sigh and smile to yourself for your accomplishments and effort. You can say to yourself, "good job" or "that was good". Well, pat yourself on the back, and enjoy your downtime. That's what I believe I will try to do.


Invino Veritas
Archive Created 2/13/12