Friday, January 13, 2012

Imports From The MySpace Archives Vol 1.4

The following has been archived from my abandoned blog on

May 14, 2006

Birthday 2006

First of all, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you helped me celebrate my brithday this weekend. This annual celebration was not only the first celebration of its kind in years, but reinforces my belief that birthdays should be an outward experience rather than an inward experience. Having my birthday fall on both Mother's Day and Sunday this year was a direct reason as to why the festivites actually took two days to complete.

In the previous birthdays, I had neglected to receive my free birthday pizza at Dave's Dark Horse Tavern. One of the bad things about having a birthday around May 14th when living in a college town is that all your friends are graduating, gone home, or on vacation when your birthday hits. I'll blame this as the reson for why we only got two pizzas. We tried to invite more folks, but that's ok. Sometimes the smaller, intimate crowds have the greatest impact. I had expected to hop to a few more places, though. After pizza, Rez and I went over to Zach and Ansel's where we stayed until about 4:30 a.m. (By the way, thanks Ansel for getting the grub at 3:30 at the cafe.)

Transgressing into Sunday, we grilled out. On the grill was some Shark and Pork Chops. Nothing special, but it still tasted pretty good, though I still think that perhaps we should have traded the sourdough with something more complementing of the garlic bread. The nice thing about grilling on Sunday is that I get leftovers throughout the week. Thanks, guys, for being there for me to help me create my menu for the week's dinner. I have no doubt that we'll do it again soon. Maybe I'll do the English Roast next weekend since I have all the ingredients. We'll see.

Now, I didn't forget to give Mom a call on Mother's Day. Having your birthday on that day is kind of weird. After all, it's strange giving out presents on your birthday - there's something slightly out of place. But no matter; it's all good. Happy Mother's Day, Mom. Maybe next year you won't have to spend part of the weekend sending the graduates off into the world.

Well, again, thanks guys for helping me celebrate my birthday this year. I wish everyone could have been there, but c'est la vie. I plan on having more birthdays, so we'll just have to wait for those. Boondocks is about to come on, and it's time to catch the last bit of Morel Orel.I have to keep my Sunday evening routine or else I'll eventually become unraveled. In the meantime, I leave you with this quote as is my trademark I guess:

"Morel, you know the rules. Dont' upset your brother until your father's had his first Highball!" 



Invino Veritas

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