The following has been archived from my abandoned blog on
June 4, 2006
Fool Me Once, Fool Me Twice
I'm pretty down on a lot of things, and primarily for the same reason. One of the credos of this very country is Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, and then I'm reminded of George Carlin's note about the NIMBY principle ("Not In My Backyard"). Then I take a look at the supposedly all-inclusive exploits of Christianity in all its various forms and fashions, and see an entire religion built on elitism, too. You would think that even the innocence of youth would be immune from such things, but even that is infested with the elitist extreme; children can certainly be cruel as we all know. Is this brutality of youth really just an allegory for unbridled truth? Is it the truth that is brutal, or is it the kids? I think it's because this idea of maturity is a fallacy created to once again draw lines and create an elitist point of view.
Let's go back to the tired and hungry line. In theory, this country is supposed to be tolerant and inclusive of all types of people. But we all know this is bullshit. Inclusion is the lie on the lips of everyone selling something in the name of democracy, freedom, capitalism, and the USA. Freedom is an apparition sought only by those who aren't in the club. Democracy is the urban legend whispered to children in promises of a good future. The central government destroyed the idea of inclusion when they created parties and lobbyism. Those ideas destroy unity, and ever sever the ties between the masses. It divides people, and says aloud that "you are not like us, and therefore we are better than you." On the smaller level, we've divided our nation into fifty states each with personalities and their own sense of smaller nationalisms. This statewide unity is reinforced by the idea of Representatives and Senate, and the ever-popular sports figures and teams. Did you see the Ohio State-Purdue game? Boy those Boilermakers sure whooped those damn Buckeyes. Breaking it down further, each community (small town america) is comprised of groups of people who further constrain and restrain other groups of people for the same basic elitist reason. This can be seen up-close by a few of us with the recent law changes regarding smoking in public places. Why couldn't the owners of the public places just choose to allow smoking, not allow smoking, or provide accomadations for both? Nope, they had to say once again you are not like us, and therefore we don't want you here. We're going to take away your favorite places, and remove you so we don't have to be burdened by your existence. The health issue really isn't the central issue. It's another lie concocted by some arstocracy to draw attention from the larger issue. The elitist ideal is ingrained in almost everyone in this country. It existed in a days of slavery. It existed on the racist tongues of everyone who acted against Muslims during scare of 9/11. Elitism is the very reason why peopel came to this country in the beginning - to escape religious persecution by an elitist church in England (which brings up an interesting question: is it simply human nature, rather than the country's ideal alone, to separate ourselves from one another?).
Christianity and many other religions tout the idea of being able to enter some sort of fine afterlife if certain conditions are met. These conditions may be a predisposed set of behavioral qualifications, and in many cases they are just that. Either way, if they don't like you, you can't belong to their club (i.e. heaven, Elysium, Valhalla, etc.) Is it coincidence that they gods and supernatural forces behind such theologies are portrayed in human personas? Mary Magdelaine is portayed as a human woman. Jesus is portrayed as a human male. The Greek and Roman gods were portrayed in a very human aspect with human emotions and personalities (with the exception of Pan, but even he was partly human in appearance). Allah and Mohammed are portrayed like humans. Imagine if Jesus was portrayed a a goat, and Mary portrayed as a whale. Atleast the anti-christ is supposed to be born of a Jackal, but then again he's the enemy of the people and faith once again. Coincidence? I think not.
I love american tackle football. I love college basketball. I'd even watch the NBA and college baseball semifinals and tournaments. Maybe that makes me an elitist. I try to pay attention to all teams. Hell, I'll even be watching the World Cup soccer when it begins. The sad thing is I'd probably only watch the World Cup soccer because Team USA is involved. I love the fact that any small town team can become the winner in the NCAA Basketball tournament. This is what is missng from some of the other NCAA sports. (No, this is not a cry for a playoff scenario in college football. That would be too off-topic even for me.) The NCAA governing body is just another example of the existence of elitisim and the driving forces(s) behind the "beautiful people" ideal (by beautiful I mean rich). I don't find much fun in the Olympics anymore. This could be a loss of some sense of nationalistic pride because it's too easy to see the celebritism and hypocrisy that this country breeds. But why do I feel national pride with the World Cup and not the Olymics? I admit I haven't really given it much thought. I thought about moving to Japan or Europe because of some sort of disattachment from the nationalistic pride, but then I realized I'd miss some of the material things that are inherently characteristic of this country. I guess, if I'm going to be down on the ideals that this country creates and maintains, maybe I should blame myself, too, for liking Gin & Tonics, apple pie, and porn. I should blame myself, perhaps, for watching football and buying armor-all for my tires. I should tear out my hair for wearing an MSU hat and driving to the convenience store instead of walking the fifty yards. I should kick my own ass when that guy won't move from his pizza pie pan when we're trying to shoot a game of pool. Finally, I should be tortured for allowing the media to shape my mind and my body through marketing, forcing me to draw lines between me, and my brothers and sisters.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, bitches.
What a piece of shit.
Invino Veritas
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