The following has been archived from my abandoned blog on
June 1, 2006
CorpuCornea: Amusement of the Dead, or My Eye Is Rotting and I can't Look Up!
Anyone remember when Will Smith was a rapper? ("Ok, here's the situation: my folks went off on a week's vacation...") I guess I showed my age with that outburst. It's amazing to me how the universe seems to unfold ever forward. This remains true even when it appears to be taking a step or seven backwards. On the other hand, things are pretty cyclical. This may be partly why I think of Rez when I hear that tune in my head. Coincidence? Perhaps.
Good luck with your ventures, Ed. May you find what you're looking for. Don't forget to give us a look at the new paintings that shall unfold in the future. Never forget: Stream of Consciousness is really just a fancy way of saying "Talk Salad". In otherwords, turds always taste like shit no matter how much sugar you put on them. Bullshit is bullshit no matter where you end up. Rednecks can be found anywhere, and in any class of people. Next time you are in town, we'll grab some dinner and hit some NTN Trivia. Then we'll drink a sixer of Old Milwaukee and watch the bug zapper until dawn. (Ok, not really.)
Yes, I missed the party at Ansel and Zach's. I came by early with the full intention of returning after I ate with some co-workers. Turns out that the dinner engagement dragged on longer than I had expected. By the time I got done playing some after-dinner pool, it was time to hit the late night cinema for some X-Men action. (Pretty good flick, though I have some beefs.) If I knew that you guys where going to do it again the next night, I'd have tried to join you. Such is life though: everything is just a symptom of another symptom, usually.
I'm planning to hit St. Louis from June 28th to July 2nd. (That's a Wednesday until Sunday.) My dad lives up there, and I been meaning to go visit since he got another divorce. It's strange, though, when I call and there's obviously a woman in the background, but he doesn't mention her in coversation. It's like he's drawing the attention away from that fact. No matter, though. I'll be able to stick my nose into things when I get up there, I suppose. On the other hand, he might as well be a million miles away - out of sight, out of mind, right? Bah, no matter.
Have fun in Tejas, Punky. I'd have called the other night, but you didn't give me your phone number. I guess someone finally gave you a buzz. No matter, you're heading out soon anyways. If I don't see you before you head out, have a good trip.
I guess that covers everything up to this point. Tomorrow's Friday, and that's a good thing. It was a short week with Memorial Day intruding upon the work week. With the lull in school days, business was slow. I've a feeling things will pick back up next week. I wonder when the day will come when I get tired of doing my job. Just when I think I see it over the horizon, it disappears in a small, soft puff of down. Life is weird like that. I'm out. Take it easy.
Invino Veritas
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