The following has been archived from my abandoned blog on
May 21, 2006
Honey, I Shrunk The Liver!
I must be getting old or something because my body isn't recovering as quickly as it used to. Ok, perhaps the half case of Modelo Especial wasn't a great idea, but damn it tastes good. So, I'm exercising my right to be a Nerd last night by playing some Table-Top RPG. In the process of said activity, I take down a 12-pack of Modelo, and depart at 4:00 a.m. At 8:45, I awake from my slumber dehydrated as hell and with a topsy-turvy stomach complaining to me with the fury of a hundred raging elephants. I sluggishly slide off the bed and grab some water, and return to be bed in hopes that things will alleviate themselves. "Not so fast", say my eyeballs as they start in on the Timpani. At this point, it is time to hit the Blood Pressure meds. "There. Now fuck off." I think to myself as I hop back into bed. The stomach's still bugging, but it should be ok. "Did you forget something?" my ass rumbled. I hopped out of bed twenty minutes later and found the rest of my Modelo and Pizza exiting the Lincoln Tunnel. Finally, I get back to bed and fall asleep at around 9:45ish. I get to wake back up at 12:45 and the stomach went away, but now I feel like baker's dough after having the rolling pin used. Looks like a day of rehydrating my body and washing clothes. Isn't life grand?
Flashback. I meant to make a blog yesterday when I changed my picture and added a caption. After completing that process, I was disappointed to find that one of those advertisements from MySpace gave me a dual punch of AdWare. My machine became infected with a parasite that would create me an advertisement to look at everytime I viewed an image. How annoying. How could they allow their advertisers to infect their users' machines like that? Thankfully, I keep a copy of AdAware SE on here, and that removed it quite nicely. If you are unfortunate enough to run into this problem on here, I'd suggest downloading a copy from or directly from and get the latest update for it. It's one that we recommend at work, too. Best of all, it's FREE!
Now, the pictuire to the left there is one from a Keg Party in 2003. I have some pictures from that party, and myabe I might return again to that stockpile and let you guys see if you recognize anyone from that shindig. The guy blowing the flame is Dave who was the boyfriend of a friend of mine from Memphis. Ron, a local to the 'Patch and musician, took this wonderful picture. There is actually two of these pictures from different angles. Maybe I'll post the other later. (I'm feeling marvelously lazy today.) I noticed 20 people looked at my profile today -- eithere that or someone just sat on it and refreshed nineteen times. Either way, I'd like to think it's because of the picture. After all, that's the only thing that has changed since the last viewer came to my edge of MySpace.
In the meantime, take it easy. I'm out of here.
Invino Veritas
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