Saturday, September 24, 2011

Random Pies on the Window Sill


1. I should remind myself to write the book entitled "Songs That Should Never Be Sung
    Aloud To Anyone Ever". This will be a collection of inappropriate, crude, lewd,
    gauche, common, and otherwise lowbrow songs meant for purposes of humour and
    just to simply get them out of my head. Their lyrical patterns will follow the ones
    found in many popular songs. In all likelihood, it will probably become nothing more
    than "Invino's Big Book of Dirty Poems".
2. This should probably be called "Random Cow Pies In The Field".
3. Remind me to make a Christmas version of "Songs That Should Never Be Sung Aloud To
    Anyone Ever". Naturally, it should be narrated by Morgan Freeman.
4. I knew I was right; Courtney Gains was in both 'Children of the Corn' and 'Hardbodies'.
5. Man, never got any REM sleep last night. I hate it when this happens. Layed there for
    four hours in a semi-sleep state until 6:30 this morning. I've a feeling this is going to
    affect my Monday Night Football ventures.
6. I've a feeling that I'm going to end up getting denatured alcohol in my eye. My eye itches,
    and I have the alcohol on my fingers at the moment.
7. After listening to a bunch of Cabaret bands and singers on, I've realized a few
    things. Most all of them are really crappy. Voltaire is awesome. Vermillion Lies ain't
    bad. Abney Park is pretty decent. But the rest of it sounds like butt. I would happily
    recommend some Voltaire, however. Oh, and Jason Webley seems to be pretty decent,
8. Everyone should know people of the following five occupations: Police Officer, Lawyer,
    Doctor, Mechanic, and a Computer Guy. These seem like people who you will inevitably
    find yourself paying at one point in your life within modern society unless you have a


1. I feel like I'm in a creative lull. I wonder if it may be that I'm not putting myself into
    situations that serve as impetus for my creativity.  Hmm.
2. Zombina and the Skeletons are cool. Check 'em here.
3. I really wonder about the inspiration that people have for their band names. For example:
    Black Math Horseman, The Peculiar Pretzelman, The Mystic Knights of the Oingo
    Boingo, and, my favorite, Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives.
4. I wonder if the band 'The Last Days of Jesus' mean their music to be listened before,
    during, or after Passover. And are they talking about the first or second time? This is
    so confusing.
5. Given the amount of MSG in Chinese cuisine in the U.S., I wonder if I could rub some Lo
    Mein on some day-old cantaloupe and bring back the color in the fruit. After all, Fruit
    Fresh was nothing more than MSG, which, by the way, you can buy in your spice aisle.
6.  Clockhammer was one of the best bands of which you never heard.
7. I think I deserve to be upset to a slight degree if I sit in my chair for an hour with my fly
   down a nobody brings it to my attention. Especially when I already know.


1. Ok, Facebook. You may wonder why I decided to post this one Google's service. It's for
    the same reason every infinitesimal chunk of substance that I still like about Facebook is
    being wittled away piece by piece with every stupid change you make to the interface. If I
    want to drive to the store in my hometown, the city doesn't change the route every few
    weeks. The things that I found attractive about using your service are slowly disappearing
    with every change. You need to realize that I, among others, don't need you. What will we
    do without you? The same damn thing we did before you, and maybe more. With the
    competition that has sprung upvwith your success, you can't afford to drive the mainstays
    away. But I have a minor solution forvyou: institute a classic view. Otherwise, the more
    infrequent I hear from you, the better.
2. There is a suprising amount of people in this world who will attempt to tell intelligent,
    smart, creative, and talented people that they are ignorant. I'm reminded of ex-KGB
    agent Yuri Bezmenov's explanation of 'normalization', or the changing of a nation over
    a period of time to one's own idea of truth, fact, and definition. You can catch some
    of Yuri's interviews on Youtube, by the way. It's actually pretty good, and really kind
    of depressing and scary.
3. 'Breaking Bad' is an excellent show. It's interesting, comical at times, and it has a different
    sort of feel than most shows. But, unlike many other shows I like, it's not very inspiring.
    Usually, I feel like I may have creative surges when I start watching or engaging in
    something, but not with this show. It's kind of strange, actually. No, I'm not saying I
    borrow from these other shows. Think of it more like applying the heat to cook your
    dinner. It just gets the juices flowing.
4. I really should apply myself towards getting another scene, at the very least, to the play.
5. I think I need a priest or a rabbi. These printers are surely spawns of the devil, and must
    be blessed and/or exorcised.
6. Too bad brass isn't worth a ton of money. I could be swimming in dough right about
    now from all this brass lying around in these spare parts.
7. What if it's not that our perspective on time changes a we get older but rather the temporal
    stream changes as we get older? Say, for example, it's not that time flies when we get
    older, but it's actually "covering less ground' as it reaches its own finality. I think Ted
    Theodore Logan just said 'Whoa."
8. I fought the Taco Bell 12-Pack, and the 12-Pack won. I'll have to write that Kobayashi guy
    and learn his training secrets. I'll be back, damn you! You can't escape me forever! (This is
    me shaking my fist on a blog service.)
9. I made a clerical error yesterday: it's Zombina and the Skeletones.
10. The Creepshow is pretty cool, too. The band, not the show or movie.


1.  Taken from a recent Classifieds listing: "FS: Squeaky Shoes". Really? This is a
     selling point?
2. Man, my back has been feeling pretty good the past couple of days. I wonder why. Hmm.
3. Man, Kyle Thomas's (Alabama Thunderpussy) voice is monstrous. The guy is a beast.
4. I think if I replace one more printer base I'm going to end up in the bell tower with a rifle.
5. Today, I worked on the second installment or act or fourth scene or whatever of something
     that began on here as a whim of three scenes and one act called "Devilishly
     Departmental: A Farce". It's called "Devilishly Departmental: Part Deux". I wrote nearly
     two entire scenes of what should probably be three scenes. This is why there's probably
     not going to be as much content under this date in this post.


1. Damn I'm tired.
2. When martian kids look at the night sky, do they see the martian in the earth?
3. When the tooth is long,
    And the beard is gray,
    When the moon is bright,
    And the sun goes away,
    The stars do shine,
    Lighting silver bristles,
    Shining the way,
    For tiny silver missiles.
4. "You can't have everything; Where would you put it?" (Steven Wright)
5. So if neutrinos can go faster than the speed of light, how could we harness that if
    they pass through all tangible matter?
6. "Son, you put the 'shit' in shit."
7. The end.

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