It is the nature of the universe to move from a state of balance to a state of disorder, entropy, or otherwise chaos. The universe expands at a greater rate every moment no matter how relative space is to time and vice versa. If I drop a glass, it tbreaks. Nations are built, and then they are torn down. Energy is constantly transformed into one state or another; the big bang transforms energy into a star transforms its energy into light transforms its energy into food for plants transforms its energy minerals is transformed into kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy is transformed into light energy, etcetera et-f'n-cetera. Why should we be so different? People live together, grow together, and move off, expand from the center. Sure you can return, but you will just leave again or die.
So, let's take a moment and apply what we have learned above to the concept of consciousness. While living, the body releases energy in the form of brainwaves, heat, and chemo-electrical signals. This release of energy interacts with its environment to produce what we typically think of as thoughts and other effects. If the universe consistently transforms energy into one state or another, and we ar epart of the universe, then death is just another transformation of the consciousness into another energy state. Now, hold on, mister. Let's not get ahead of ourself and start fantasizing that this explains God. We can't jump the gun. When we abandon scientific reason and methodology, we cease to be scientists, and become scientologists - or something worse: politicians! (Shiver!) The other energy state could be anything. For example, if we die in a fire then we are converted to heat and light. Likewise, if we expire in our sleep, our body will continue to convert our body into heat and chemo-electrical energy until it runs out of resources, and then the external environment takes over.
Q1: But what happens then?
A1: Oh, hell, I don't know. This is as far as I've gotten in my thought process. Most likely, the energy wll be converted into another state as it comes into contact with another mechanism that serves that purpose. All throughout space is motion. Forget the fact that the space between moving objects is growing. Reaching absolute zero means that vibraional motion of atoms ceases, but that doesn't mean that the collective body of atoms (i.e. the rock) doesn't continue to move as an instance of relativity to another collective body (i.e. another rock). This would obviously differ with quantum mechanics as that deals primarily with things on the atomic and subatomic levels, whereas the other sciences deal with things larger than those scales.
Q2: Ok if Quantum Mechanics and normal Phyical Science are part of the same greater picture, where do they meet and find a common ground?
A2: That's a great question. I don't think anyone has answered that question yet ouside of mere theory. We can take Einstein's theory of relativity, and this will bring it all back to energy for the sake of discussion (cough, cough). E=MC^2. Einstein said that space and time are the same thing. Ok, fine. I can deal with that. That means that as you traverse space, you also traverse time. Easy, right? I would gather that as we scale slightly smaller and smaller, we lose our relativity between space and time; mass becomes negligible, and therefore the energy becomes, for the most part, equal to the square of the speed of light, or E=C^2. For instance, photons are the only thing that can actually travel at the speed of light because they are "massless". This probably also supports the widely followed theory that you can't travel faster than the speed of light. (Forget that you wouldn't be able to SEE if you got ahead of the light beam!) This is of course before we consider things like hopping through dimensions and wave-propulsion systems.
Q3: Can mass be negative?
A3: Only in theoretical terms. That is far more complicated than I care to get into at this point in time - partly because I don't really understand the theories as I should before I started talking about them.
On the other hand, sometimes it's fun to talk out of our ass in jest (as can probably be evidenced by this entire thing!). Ok, negative mass is mass that has the exact opposite electromagnetic properties of the mass we typically know. However, because mass is mass is mass, the funadmentals stay the same, that is, the laws that govern how mass intrinsically behaves as mass (as opposed to a type of mass), such as the conservation of momentum. The conservation of momentum is a property of the fact said mass is mass, not, say, iron or copper. Make sense? Too bad. I'm going on before I lose this train of thought.
Anyways, the point at which mass becomes equal to zero and the total energy is equal to the speed of light squared would be the apex of the normal curve. Yes, I realize that the mass would be equal to zero and, normally, you wouldn't remove zero from the equation thus yielding a sum of zero. But here's the schtick: it's not as if mass exists without properties but rather it does not exist at all at the speed of light. But the crusher is once you pass the speed of light, mass becomes negative. In one theory, perhaps that's how we can interact with dark matter: go faster than the speed of light. Maybe that's really what is dark energy. Who knows? If you take the case of electrons, you would notice that they have negligible mass expressed in an atomic weight, and they have an amount of energy, but they do not emit light. This is probably because they travel quite slow, never reaching the speed of light. It's only when we add energy that light is emitted from electrons (i.e. producing a spark when you throw a rock at the ground). In our own view of reality, we only exist on one side of the normal curve, in theory.
Q4: Wow. We really got a ways off from the original topic. Did you get lost?
A4: Remember we were trying to decribe some of the relationship(s) between relative sciences and quantum mehanics. Besides, I warned you that we would take a moment to talk out of our asses, didn't I? But I think I've burnt mysef out today, actually. My brain is kind of fried having to also work on these printers while I'm trying not to go permanently (in)sane with the bubbling of these random thoughts.
So, I'm off.
Invino Veritas
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