Monday, July 25, 2011

Random Crap For The Day

I suppose you might say that I have a few points to ake today. I was going to make a poit to mention boredom, but that seems superfluous like putting a point value on the king in chess. After all, that's largely why I'm here at all. It's a pretty slow day at work, and I'm just waiting for diagnostics to run their course. At 3:00, I head back to Dunderland (this is the name I use in place of the name of my home town for those of you who know me) because I have some business to take care.

The first point I wish to make is that the entire universe is in a state of either flux or stasis. Seems easy, right? No? Ok, I'll expound upon this. Every action in the universe is the expression of a transformation of energy. This is my theory. Even things that don't involve action of some sort involve energy exchanges of some sort; we usually refer to this as potential energy. To understand this, we must acknowledge there are a finite number of types of energy. These include gravity, weak nuclear, strong nuclear, electromagetic, kinetic, potential, electrical, chemical, chemo-electrical, and so forth. (There are a few others we can point out I'm sure, but that's really not te point of all of this.) Atoms have energy that keep their particles in one place. Molecules have bonds that serve the same purpose. When we split an atom, all that energy is released in the form of kinetic, heat, and electromagnetic energy. When we eat certain types of matter, we break them down by acting upon them with chemicals by either breaking them down which releases energy, or building them up in which case we add energy to them. (A catalyst is just something that facilitates energy from one place to another, or energy to or fom a medium.) Left to its own devices, the universe would constantly change to alternate forms of energy until it reaches a single state of energy or whatever you wish to call infinity.

I've been thinking about this a lot, and I realize I will have made a poor explanation of this idea of a universal energy exchange as a constant by the time I finish this point and/or this post. Opposing energies that stalemate each other must be acted upon by an alternative source of energy tochange its state. Likewise, if any one of two energy acting upon each other is greater than the other, then the state that the one energy takes will overcomethe state of the second until we have one energy state or the energies balance out or are forced into change in some way. Make sense? Not yet? Ok, imagine you have a rock and a plate of jello. If I drop the rock ino the plate of jello, the energy of the rock breaking through the jello will result in jello everywhere because the kinetic energy of the rock will make a mess of the jello. Now, let's say our rock is an asteroid with many times more energy, hurling towards earth. As it strikes the earth, all the energy is transformed from kinetic energy and mass-releated energies directly into heat, electromagnetic (light), kinetic, etc. Basicaly, we'd end up with a molten ball of earth. In fact, you can really say that a state of matter is really a state of energy because it really describes the energy that the atoms have.

Make better sense now? No? Yes?

Ok, let's move on. I'm bored of this right now....

It seems as if every ten years or thereabout, a hugely influential and talented artist dies in some tragic way. These artists seem to imprint themselves upon the medium and define (or redefine) it in some way. These artists are innovators and help to create perspective and break down walls. Jimi Hendrix could be seen as one such artist. Some might argue the same for Curt Cobain. Perhaps Janis Joplin, John Lennon, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Randy Rhoades, Bob Marley - the list goes on and on. I guess it's not really true to say 'every ten years', but rather it's a matter of mainstream change that happens every ten years, and as a result, perhaps, those dedicated artists that are so fragile in some sort of way get affected by the uncomfortable prick of fame's spindle. What makes them so fragile? Well, quite plainly, reality is a hard pill to swallow much of the time. When reality comes knocking, there's no avoiding it, but each person has to address reality in their own way. Some people get a heavy dose, others get a lesser dose. If we are fortunate to be given a path of artistry that is appreciated, then we really don't have to live in reality. But unfortunately, at least for me, this is not the case. I spend an extraordinary amount of time doing things I don't like in order to have time to do the things I do like. In other words, avoidance of reality is, well, gratifying, and its what many of us (if not the majority of us) want to spend time doing. (Wow, I really got off point here. Ok, back to, umm, reality.) It's when these artist's realities become unavoidable that they break open like a rotten orange, once full of sweet nectar but now shriveled and devoid of life. An encumbering amount of fame came be an unavoidable form of reality . In other words, one having to deal with so many people so much of the time. Or perhaps an increased workload just to maintain expectations or increasing lifestyles could  be seen as reality closing in. Maybe even the destructive nature of drug addiction conflicting with the reality of the reality is what might take them out n the end. Who knows?

Ok, I've burnt myself out on that one.


Actually. I'll just try to be short-winded and list my random thoughts here:

1. Lewis Carroll didn't look like I originally thought he might.
2. There seems to be a large amount of disagreement upon the features of Samuel Taylor Coleridge as no two
     paintings of him seem to look similar to the other.
3. Man, I could really go for some of that spreadable cheddar cheese that comes in the wax ball that is made
    with the red wine. That stuff is awesome and would totally match my palate's mood right now.
4. I think I'd rather be lounging on my couch pretending the world doesn't exist except to randomly create
    entertaining things that drop out of the sky for my to spend my time upon.
5. I just erased part of the last random statement. Can you guess what it said?
6. The Spaceballs Animated Series isn't really very good.
7. Shin Chan, however, rocks balls.
8. "Did I leave the iron on?" [Random Airplane! Reference]
9. I bet it would be pretty neat, for about thirty minutes, to hang out with Dr. Fillipenko. 
10. I think I like it best when the meat of my hot wings slides off the bone like they did today at the
     Mexican restaraunt.
11. Who would have thought decent hot wings would come from a Mexican Restaraunt's buffet?
12. If this blog were a robot, it would be one those trash robots from Spaceballs. (Or was it Ice Pirates?)
13. I have mentioned Spaceballs way too much in this blog.
14. Eighteen minutes until go time.
15. Twiddle.
16. Damn, the nerd itch is hitting me. I must have comic  books and magic cards. Give me Dungeons and
17. Can you imagine if Wizards of the Coast made a Dungeons & Dragons candy bar? That would be
      completely strange and funny. It would remind me of the Reggie Jackson candy bar, only far more
      slly and nerdy. The mascot would be some goofy knight without about as much serious consideration
      as the Justice Friends.
18. I want to make octopus. I bet they are expensive, though. They are probably at least five dollars. Maybe
      six. Yeah, expensive. [Stare.]
19. 9 minutes.
20. What do you mean "in nine minutes I've produced 6 random statements"? I can't really tell you guys
      everything. I'd probably get flagged for pornography or erotica.
21. By the way, we are available for weddings, bar mitsvahs, and brisses.
22. "HEY! You guys see that chicken?" [Random Young Guns Reference]
23. Yes, I did reference a Lou Diamond Phillips movie. What do you mean there's no such thing as a Lou
       Diamond Phillips? Well, now that you mention it, he really IS kind of like the Ringo Starr of the 1980's
       Young Male celebrities. The only difference is Ringo continues to be successful.
24. Too soon? Hell, it's been 20 years for pete's sake.
25. Twenty-Five!
26. Ok, I go post now.
27. Say goodbye, Gracie.
28. Goodbye, Gracie.
29. [Crowd Laughs]
30 [Fade to Black]

Invino Veritas

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