person who only learns how to answer 'no' is only able, eventually, to see the
world as wrong. That person will only eventually find unhappiness in his world's constituents, of its parts, of its components, of its properties, of its qualities, and of its societies and nature. As it is the nature of all species, that person will seek to escape that which is discordant to the idea of gratification. All that is ungratifying or uncomfortable, agitating, painful, and otherwise stressful will have the attempt made upon it to be removed from sight if not utterly by this person. In attempts to remove and relieve this
stress, that person will likely seek to remove those sources of
discomfort - to destroy, mangle, maim, oppress, and otherwise tyrannize
his or her reality, and its parts into submission, to mold the clay into
the likeness...of himself or herself.
Or, that person could only believe in the power of 'yes'.
The person who believes in the power of yes becomes the great enabler. They bring joy and happiness, gratifying autonomy and free will, liberty and a sense of self in all upon whom their power is graced. He or she provides the ability to all they touche to ask "what if" and exclaim confidently "let's try'. The enabler is one who keeps his or people safe, squashing fear with that confidence, providing hope and optimism for a bright future. The enabler instigates the ability to learn from mistakes, to dust ourselves off after the brawl and jump back into the fray with what we have learned and try it again wth a new set of tools and perspective. The power of 'yes' is that which is the promotion of promotion, the enabling of the enablers to enable. Yes is infectious and addictive; it is both gratifying, empowering, and reciprocal. Yes is cooperative and universally conscious, transcendent and collectve. It creates a hive from of the individual bees, and gives wings to the masses.
The person who has only learned to say 'no' when faced with another person of the same ilk, will seek to remove or destroy that other threat. The two naysayers will battle each other, spreading much collateral damage and with reckless disregard. There can be no collection or harmonious idea, no group of people, and no spreading of ideas. Only the strongest, most ruthless, and dominant force can exist - a black hle consuming everything into oblivion.
When a person who wields the power of 'yes' meets another pseron of the same, they spread, they communicate, they empower, and, most certainly, enable each other. The combine their efforts. They cooperate. They coexist. The enablers do not impede each other nor do they divert the efforts of the other. They work together, enabling others who, in return, enable them. The power of yes is a self-propagating design and system. It grows, like all things in nature. Like an apple begins from a seed, it grows into an apple, drops to the earth depositing its own seeds that will one day become apples. It is the nature of yes to provide for an equalizer, to enable balance as there are repercussions for every project. For every action there is a reaction. Those things viewed as failures by those who only know how to say 'no' are seen as learning experiences and merely steps on the way to perfection and balance.
Of course, we don't live in a perfect world.
The reality is that fear of failure is a real thing. There are smart people on both sides of the fence. Where in one instance it may be a tool, in another instance it may be antithetcal. But one truth is that if you want change, you have to become an enabler of some kind. Should you wish someone else to do it, then you ave to say 'yes' at some point, otherwise the goal will never be met. We cannot move forward if all we do is maintain. In oder to progress we must set goals, attempt to achieve them, and occasionaly fall down and stand back up. But if all we do is cower from failure and reject the idea of being rejected, then we will not set goals. We will not progress nor will we transcend. Perhaps it is the flaw in the human design that we fear. Perhaps it is the flaw in the human design that we rationalize, that we consider, that we think, and that we believe. What a strange creature human beings are that they should wrap themselve sin a blanket of conundrum designed to appear as intelligence. If that's the case, then ignorance is truly bliss, and therefore is the reason why we evolved at any rate only to reach a terminal point of evolution or assured mutual destruction.
Invino Veritas
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