Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Meaning of Medicated Life

So, I'm breezing through my morning ritual of reading my emails and deleting spam. Before I delete my spam mail, I like to take a gander at what is in that folder just in case there's something of value in there. My eyes fall on the usual dribble that one can find in Yahoo!'s spam folders. But today my usually fleeting moment was halted by a strange thought. As my eyes fell on the common occurrence of the 'Generic Cialis' offer in my spam mail, the hamster began turning his wheel. Naturally, I begged the question: "Who'd want a generic stiffy?"

I'm pretty sure that if I really felt the need to supplement my diet with a pill that could assist with erections, I'd have to ask for the one that performed above and beyond the call of duty. After all, why not go for broke? If, after taking one, my placket didn't sprout a red cape and a majestic "P" on it, I'd have to question its value. If NORAD and NASA didn't call me to ask if that shadow in their radar was the enemy or just that I took a pill then I'd be disappointed. Moreover, if after washing one of those pills down I still can't flick the light switch while sitting on the couch, then it's almost a waste of money.

And while we're at it, if enhancement pills are supposed to be effective, then why would one have to keep taking them?  Should I expect my junk to inflate and deflate throughout the day? Is it like Cialis and Viagra? Do I only take it when I need / want it? What if we combined the two and killed two birds with one stone? Maybe then my dream of the megapenis pill will come to fruition. Anyways, back to the original discussion at hand....

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is a couple of things: 1.) It's fun to take things out of context when it doesn't hurt anyone, and 2.) it's imperative that we set the proper expectations when we offer someone something.Ok, maybe it's not really related to the meaning of life (whatever that means), or maybe it is [insert weird Ed Wood scary music here].

We now return to your regularly scheduled programming....


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