Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Letter from the Editor

A Letter from the Editor

...so to speak...

I have decided to take down some old articles I wrote a couple years ago for Real Story Publishing. These articles will no longer be available on this site. I've done this for a couple of reasons, but probably the most dominant reason is that, at least for the majority of those articles, I no longer feel that way. Some time ago, I got too involved with politics and news, and frankly, I was blind to the way the news media manipulated me with the fear and the outrage tactics to keep me hooked. It's easy to do. We want to stay informed. We want to keep abreast of the things that interest us, but it's a vicious cycle.

The internet is the greatest invention since, well, probably the printing press. But it is not without its faults either. After all, how many of us have used a printing press recently? Nobody? Exactly. In context, the problem with the internet is it allows us to seek out and find information about those things we want to understand better. The downside to this is it allows us to seek out and find information that affirm our beliefs. Left to our own devices, the majority of us will get tunnel vision and ONLY look for information that affirms our beliefs. The good part about that is that once you realize how it happens and what it looks like when it happens, you become immune to it as long as you take the time and make the efforts to exercse the skill necessary to accomplish a quality discrimination of information.

So, I quit political commentary with articles. I still listen to news occasionally. I've come to realize that the media has lied in making people think that you can only be conservative or liberal. I now realize that, at least in context once agin, the landscape isn't back and white. The world doesn't work that way. We aren't all of two minds. You know who does it all the same way? Clones. Sheep. Cattle. Monkeys. Insects. Even Nature knows that does't work, so it creates mutations and diverts from its own rules and paths.

So, I got out.

I'm tired of all the hate, the fear-mongering, the unnecessary drama. I'm not saying you shouldn't worry. In fact, I'm not telling you what to do at all. That's YOUR decision. I'm just telling you why I took down eighteen articles I published a couple years ago at Real Story Publishing. There are plenty of bad things in the world, and I'll do my best to protect myself from those ugly things. But I'm not going to let them determine how I live. I'm still going to have fears, but I'm not going to let them rule my life. Moreover, the fear of global problems aren't the same as personal fears or local problems, are ethey? I'm not going to spend my time worrying about things ten tousand miles away. I'm not going to concern myself with what some fat, self-important collection of ignorant tits and ass in some reality TV show thinks or does. It's not relevant to the real world, and it's not relevant to me. My problems are my own, and frankly, my wheelbarrow is full. So, in the words of that silly internet meme:

"Ain't nobody got time for that!"


Invino Veritas

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