Like That
So, it's like that, is it?
In the spring it's out of sight,
And therefore it's out of mind,
Summer: bathed in selfish light,
It still is not your time.
But as the Autumn breeze blows,
And you pat your freezing arms,
You realize nobody knows,
Or cares to share a yarn,
As winter rounds the corner,
And the scowling winds that scratch,
Spray the snow on the mourners,
To say, "Yeah, it's like that."
So, it's like that, is it?
Your friends and fam'ly arrive,
To the party quite early,
And directed by the drive,
To end up quite surly,
You escape to the others,
And get them out of your hair,
To mingle without smother,
As you have left them there.
And there are no more strangers,
As they all drink to your health,
And sing you 'Happy Birthday',
Until the stroke of twelve,
But then you are out of beer,
And the party's winding down,
For the moment that you fear,
There's no one left around,
And you slip into the sheets,
Lay your head on the pillow,
Alone as your heart skips beats,
Then quits with all its show.
Invino Veritas
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