Friday, October 7, 2011

Random Mental Purgings

It's shaping up to be one of those crazy days, therefore I submit for your viewing pleasure and because I have to get this stuff out of my head somehow:

1. When chickens eat meat, what do they compare it to?
2. Despite what you may think, the seaside community of Phuket, Thailand is not
    pronounced as "fuck it" contrary to popular belief. I was verily enlightened last
    night at the Thai restaraunt.
3. So there's this 8 track car stereo for sale in the state for 50 bucks. I'm tempted
    to buy it and roll up into work one day blasting some hi-fi goodness in the form
    of something like Chicago IX or some classic KISS albums. Can you imagine
    that? "Hey man! What's wrong?! You don't like the BEE GEES?!"
4. I shouldn't feel this good. Maybe it's the thai food I had last night because it sure
    as hell wasn't the three shots of tequila, six beers, two shots of Jagermeister and
    a shot of Rumplemintz that is making me feel this good today.
5. By the way, the answer to the followup question resulting from the above entry
    is "No."
6. Is there anything else that comes in pilafs? Is rice the only thing that can be
    described in terms of a pilaf? I don't ever recall having a pilaf of bean curd, or
    maybe a pilaf of iron ore. In this case, if we just shortened the term 'rice pilaf' to '
    pilaf' then, by default, it should uncondtionally refer to rice, right? In other words,
    using the word 'rice' to describe a pilaf is really superfluous and even wordy.
7. Paging Mr. Orwell: white courtesy phone. Mr. Orwell, white courtesy phone.
8. It's comical to me how supposedly educated and intelligent people can describe
    things or even interpret events and elements in their environments. For example, I
    get into work today and the first service call I receive is to replace a tension spring
    on a receipt printer. Ok, that's easy, but each service call should come with a
    description of the problem from the client's own technician. The technician's
    description is as follows: "Tension spring is missing and broken." Now, how in the
    hell does he know the spring is broken if it's missing? He can only assume that it's
    broken, but he cannot know for sure unless the spring was a.) not missing at one
    time at the time it was no longer part of the printer, and b.) if he observed the
    spring at that moment as being broken. For now, we'll ignore the other minor
9. People automate their thinking too often, methinks. Perhaps that's what makes it
    so easy to pass the buck for some people. It's too easy to avoid the tough things
    or the things that require higher or even greater amounts of mental effort. In all
    fairness, though, you cannot be expeced to know and do everything. But a common
    problem with this practice is we often miss crucial bis of information because we
    mentally skip ahead to what we think is the next step. For example, in performing
    repetitive or common tasks, it's too easy to stick an extra link in the chain of events.
    doing this upsets the timing or the process of getting from one end of the chain to the
    other. Imagine, if you will, that day after day you drive your car to work the same way.
    After a few weeks, you may begin to not even remember certain points of the route
    only because it has become so common place that your brain has filtered out the details
    it feels is necessary. Ok, now the next day a cow walks across the road in a random act
    of universal chaos. You are in your state of assumtion or automation, and BLAMMO!!
    You hit the car because you weren't really paying attention. Is that your fault? Probably
    not. You didn't consciously decide to filter out information. On the the other hand, you
    weren't exactly spending the extra effort to delay, if not turn off, your filters. In that
    respect, yes, it's your fault.
10. Ow! I just stuck a flathead screwdriver through the tip of my middle finger. I imagine
      it will be fine with the amount of alcohol we use around here.
11. I have transcended mere mashed potatoes and gravy. In using french fries with gravy,
      I have better control over the flow of the gravy while keeping with the time honored
      tradition of potatoes and gravy. This could very well be the start of a beautiful
      friendship, as it would be. This could be the beginning of a storied duet of epic
      proportion, a mountain of power, an idyllic reprise of faith and devotion to all that is
      tasty, a marriage made in heaven, or equivalent to a gallon of awesomesauce.
12. Yes, I just said 'awesomesauce'. Can you dig it?
13. Nope, we can't end on #13. Must move to #14 here.
14. And The Lord said, "14 shall be the number and no more nor no less shall the
      number be. Wait I've got to take this. Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Yes. Yes. Not yet. Ok.
      I got it. Ok, love you, too, Mom. Buh-bye. Ok, everybody, we're going to keep
      going. Thanks for all your patience!"
15. I think the guy who played Bill S. Preston, Esquire in Bill & Ted's Excellent 
     Adventure should have had (more) lines in the movie The Lost Boys. Maybe.

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