Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Tale of Bors The Steady

The Tale of Bors The Steady

Gather round, ye rough and ready,
Hear the tale of Bors the Steady,
A mountainous man with a heart of steel,
A thunderous step and a thorny feel.
The tale begins upon the trail,
For a pride of lions with twitching tails,
Yea, Bors had hunted these killers of men,
And Galavan women again and again.
But Bors had tracked a beast of mane,
An alpha cat, the Galavan Bane,
When perchance he spied its crooked gait,
Hidden in moonlight and sprinkled with fate,
And he cleared the rise of a rounded tell,
Where fell his eyes on the beast from Hell,
Dripping and soaked with entrails and flesh,
Not quite sated as its dinner was fresh,
But Bors the Steady stood his ground,
As the beast's yellow eyes swiveled around,
And the two champions locked their gaze,
Upon one another, each unphazed.
Bors the Steady notched his arrow,
Looked down the shaft intended to harrow,
But as if graced by an unholy speed,
The lion, as lightning, paid no heed,
And leapt through the air dodging his missile,
With a ferocious roar and claws that whistled,
The lion landed on Bors with a pounce,
Were Bors not so steady the lion would trounce,
But nerves of iron and wits made of ember,
Glowing with fire and years to remember,
He bore his blade as he slipped out from under,
Before the lion could tear him asunder,
And faced his foe as warriors should stand,
With rage in heart and blade in hand,
When at last Bors struck a terrible blow,
Causing the lion's ruby river to flow,
And the beast lunged over the victorious man,
And straight to the forest, to hide, it ran,
Bors gave chase and entered the trees,
But the beast was swift and skirted with ease,
And then the beast stopped and there fell down,
As the rest of its life littered the ground,
Unable to run and welcoming death,
The lion, as Bors approached, sighed its last breath.
Bors bent down to retrieve a small token,
A trophy of sorts to sate those unspoken,
When the ground trembled and shook underneath,
And Bors looked up to four rows of giant teeth,
Standing before him an avatar of scale,
A saurian champion as big as a whale,
And roaring like thunder and striking like fire,
Snatched the lion's body with insatiable desire,
And swallowed the flesh and bone all in one,
Then looked at Bors as if it weren't done,
At that moment Bors then shuddered,
Knew his bread had finally been buttered,
Staring his reaper in its great eye,
Bors the Steady cowered and then cried,
As the beast's breath signaled the end,
Bors the Steady was never see again.

Invino Veritas
Posted 11/27/13
Written 11/14/12
First Appearance: Saurian Frontier,
Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Two From The Road


I wish,
We shared smiles,
The way I oft' muse,
And I wish,
We had times,
That only we knew,
Alas, it's far too apparent,
That I'm far too transparent.

Inadvertant Eavesdropper

It's always the same,
Friends louder as the night goes on,
The sober women laughing to be polite,
Estranged and thinking,
"Why have you brought him to me?"
And yet when the momentary intrusion is gone,
The right song comes on,
The one that brings attention,
To the triviality of the situation observed,
And makes it comical.
I don't blame them,
Until they becomes contrived;
I don't think they know I am listening,
But I'm not privy,
To my own thoughts,
Until it's too late.
So what do I know?

Invino Veritas

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Old Woman

Old Woman

She lacks vitality anymore,
And the lines sing the songs,
Of the life in the vinyl of her face.
Her smiles feign surprise,
And are riddled with disappointment,
Her lids are teardrops, hovels,
Wherein lives the earth and the sun,
Growing that which she has lost,
Once upon a time,
In a memory,
In a dream,
One of each she forgot,
Only to be reminded,
Each time the wind blows,
And it is her hair that clings,
As it is tossed about,
To the thoughts,
She does not recognize anymore.

Invino Veritas

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Farewell to Cruelty

A Farewell to Cruelty

All you ever wanted was to be happy.
While the world, behind you, shed its tears,
You danced in the rain and giggled,
The child buried beneath the reality,
Of the pain liberated there and reveled.
She faced it finally and pointed, laughed --
Her downward extending finger,
Touching its foreheads as it rested, expectantly,
On its knees looking at the happy child.
And when drizzle overtook countenance,
The child, once again, became you,
And you turned. The rain was loud,
As you turned and disappeared,
Leaving the world behind as before,
And forever after.

Invino Veritas

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Blessed Confusion

The Blessed Confusion

So you've confused the priv'lege and the right,
And you've confused the darkness and the light,
And now you've confused the passion and the fanatic,
Hypocrisy's likely automatic.
Therefore priv'lege is your finest blessing,
And their tenets always keep you guessing,
You've confused the morals and the ethics,
With the syntactical and synthetic,
But disregarding the blood and the sweat,
Of the talent and skill that you forget,
Shall never grant you the peace that you seek,
No matter if you think them strong or weak.
   Alas, by Theian light your day is done,
   Rest assured, one for all - not all for one.

Invino Veritas